Site-specific Solar Structural Assessments:
Why you should Stop installing based off array frame general certificates
While a Site-Specific Array Frame Certification is undoubtedly an essential component of any commercial roof-mounted solar installation, it is only half of the story regarding structural compliance requirements. The success and safety of a PV array installation depend not only on the rails and fixings' capacity to support wind uplift pressures but, more crucially, on the structural integrity of the building supporting the PV array system.
In this blog post, we delve into the critical aspects often overlooked in the pursuit of structural compliance for commercial solar installations. We present a compelling case that highlights the significance of considering both the Site-Specific Array Frame Assessment and the structural integrity of the building.
The Array Frame Certification: A Vital but Incomplete Element:
Array frame providers issue certifications that focus primarily on the capacity of the system's rails and fixings to withstand wind uplift pressures. While this is undeniably important, it constitutes only one aspect of the broader structural compliance requirements for a commercial solar installation.
The Overarching Importance of Building Structural Integrity:
To truly ensure the success and safety of a PV array installation, due consideration must be given to the structural integrity of the building itself. Neglecting this crucial factor can lead to underestimations of the structural requirements, potentially jeopardising both the solar installation and the building.
Case Studies: Unveiling the Impact of Comprehensive Assessments
Case Study 1: Site Specific Array Frame Assessment Only
In this scenario, we explore the installation requirements when relying solely on a Site-Specific Array Frame Assessment. While this provides insights into the capacity of the array frame components, it overlooks the integral role that the building's structural integrity plays in the overall safety and efficiency of the installation.
Example of Sunlock Array Assessment not taking into account Building capability to withstand Uplift loads
Case Study 2: Building Structural Integrity and Array Frame Assessment
Contrastingly, Case Study 2 exemplifies a more comprehensive approach. By incorporating an evaluation of the building's structural integrity alongside the array frame assessment, we gain a holistic understanding of the installation requirements. In this particular case, the building structure emerges as the most critical factor influencing the PV array installation which limits the suitable area for Solar installation as well as the spacing requirements of the feet spacing.
Same Building as first example, except now taking into account the suitability of the Building & the Array Frame Site specifically
In the dynamic landscape of commercial solar installations, it is imperative to recognise that structural compliance goes beyond the confines of array frame certifications. While the Site-Specific Array Frame Assessment is a crucial step, its effectiveness is amplified when coupled with a thorough evaluation of the building's structural integrity.
Through the presented case studies, we underscore the significance of considering both elements in tandem, emphasising that, for certain installations, the building structure may be the determining factor for a successful and secure PV array installation. Our commitment as structural engineers is to elevate the conversation surrounding structural compliance, ensuring that the path to a sustainable future is built on a robust and secure foundation.